Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 80, 8/16/2012 -- Compatibility, brought to you by goldfish crackers, big marshmallows, and Coca Cola

Wow, what a long day. As of now I've been up for about 35 of the last 38 hours trying to help facilitate our compatibility test. In the end, we ran out of time due to some nagging issues with the CSBF hardware, but we made a lot of good progress and hopefully will be able to complete our compatibility testing in a few days once the hardware is ready and the weather cooperates.

I'm not going to post a detailed run-down, but I do have a lot of pictures ranging from our 10AM to solar panel tests to our pickup at 10PM to various parts of our rollout to being set out on the pad at about 5AM the next day (today). I don't have any pictures from after that, but it looked pretty much the same the whole time, and the night-time shots are more dramatic anyway :)


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